Saturday 28 June 2008

Badge of Honour

Do you watch Eastenders? Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of working class life in an east London suburb?

I didn't think so. It's about as realistic as the Good Life's portrayal of Surbiton. Oo - that ages me. Perhaps you can work out how old I am now.

I was in a local pub. If you must know I was in one of two boozers. Over the road is a comfy place. It does nice food during the week, and the people who drink there tend to pick up their aitches.

No, I was in the A. over the road. The A. has a nice touch in exterior decor. I think it's dirty yellow at the moment. Presumably the previous battleship grey reminded the clientèle of something more institutional. Personally I think it was a cheap deal from an MOD supplier.

If you want a glimpse into working class life, put your snout into someone else's trough. Take a visit to the A. There's one near you. Eff and Jeff are frequent visitors.

Tonight I heard and saw something I'm surprised I haven't seen before. A tall man, loud, came into the pub pointing at his ankle. In a couple of minutes I'd worked out (he's loud, remember) that he's had his tag removed. Three months apparently. Oh, and apparently "it's bollocks" and "he won't do it again". Charmingly he embraced one of the bigger issues of crime and punishment. Deterrence and protection. That's what we bought and paid for.

I don't know about you, but if I had a conviction, I'm be ashamed. I'd want to forget and move onwards and upwards. I speak from experience. I've done a couple of things I'm not proud of and ended up in court. I'm dissuaded from doing the same again.

I'd discuss what I'd done with friends, but not likely with you, dear reader. For as you pass the time of day pretending to work, you are not exactly relationship building are you? Harsh, but true. Tell you what: write your own blog, and then we might have a relationship.

Morality aside, this young man's interjection over my pint of lager brought colour to my evening. Banter. We need more banter, it's a laugh discussing your recent brush with the law.

Just don't expect me to reciprocate.